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Wilde Ivey Fire Stone
Gladstone  X  Junella Al Krush
Wilde Ivey Fire Stone
Gladstone x Junella Al Krush
AHA# 0605439
Gray Mare
100% Davenport * CMK * Al Khamsa
Summer 2005
Fall 2005
Summer 2006
Summer 2006
Firestone is dynamite in a 14hh package.  She loves people and is a very sensible horse.  If she stays here, she will be under saddle by next spring.  Her sister, Heather, is proving to be a very consistant distance horse and I think Firestone will be that, as well.  She has very smooth gaits for a nice ride.  There's not a lot of wasted action in her movements so she doesn't have a great deal of flash for the show ring...would probably tend more towards a western class than an english style.  She is reluctantly for sale (can't keep 'em all!).